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Green Persian Rug 5747

1,675 تومان

Green Persian Rug 9747 is a property of EPERSIANRUG company and a  Persian rug with size 133 by 200 cm. The material is wool. This  Flowering carpet is hand knotted Persian rug. Sku number is 9844 This rug is a RavarPersian rug .

دسترسی: 1 عدد در انبار

Green Persian Rug 5747

Green Persian Rug 5747 is a property of EPERSIANRUG company and a  Persian rug with size 133 by 200 cm. The material is wool. This carpet is hand knotted Persian rug. Sku number is 5747 The design of this rug is Raver Persian rug .

This rug was woven in Kerman province and is known as Kerman Persian rug.


Size (CM)133 x 200
SKU Number


This green carpet is one of our most beautiful carpets. You can decorate this rug with orange furniture in your living room. Green gives and instills a sense of calm to you. You can also set your curtains with this carpet. To do this, You can choose the color of your curtains orange or white. Green is a cool color so to add warm to your room you should add warm colors to your decoration like orange. So choose your decoration items like sofa or curtains and cushions in orange color. 
ابعاد133 × 200 سانتیمتر

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